Friday, May 24, 2013

Read Watch Create now has YouTube Videos Indexed for Sitecore, Sharepoint, Dynamics CRM, TFS and Microsoft Project

Read, Watch, Create have now started indexing youtube specifically for technical topic videos related to Microsoft Project, TFS, Sharepoint, Dynamics CRM and Sitecore.  They are hoping to do the same for channel 9 and other video sources.

If anyone knows any good feeds for channel 9 or other video sources hopefully rss or atom please email them to

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Awesome TV Show and Movie Review Blog

I came across this really cool blog that reviews TV Shows and Movies called
Ten Fingers of Thought, his latest review on Les Miserables is spot on. I look forward to more reviews.

If you have a site, blog, or app you would like to share please email me at and I will post it here.